" Interval is a label interested in the gap between objects, the idea of silence, the love for the uncharted terrains that comes before and after the notes. "
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  Kiki Keren-Huss - Mi/Me
Interval Recordings IL06

01 Mi/Me

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Mi/Me, Kiki Keren-Huss' debut release on Interval Recordings, is a chamber opera for four singers, six players and electronics. It somewhat came into being about 18 years ago through an obscure image the composer had had during a sleepless night. That image, hallucinated, as a hyper-real desire and thought, draw a woman confronting her man while another man, a-la Lewis Carol's plot, getting taller and taller threatening to perform a cannibalistic act upon her. The couple, apparently, tries to escape... the seed had been sown.
The opera Mi/Me is a journey into the inner world of a woman, following the many voices of her consciousness. There is no linear narrative in Mi/Me. The four characters and six players are playing, singing and moving on the stage most of the time with no connection to one another. They take part in dreamlike situations that dissipate like soap bubbles.
Out of all these voices a complex multi-layered world evolves. The world of Mi/Me.

Release date: 22.11.2010
Single CD
Time: 49:10

Kiki Keren-Huss

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